gpush allows one to add, commit, and push with one command. For the neovim plugin, see rmassaroni/nvim-gpush
bash <(curl
Only works on Unix systems
- The gpush() -message -branch function searches for a Git repo and return an error if it fails to find one.
- If found, it adds all changes, commits with a chosen message, and pushes to a chosen branch.
- The default message is "unnamed commit" but can be changed.
- The default branch is "main" but can also be changed.
- Option to make the default branch the currently checked out branch.
- glink() and gcopy() search for a dotfiles directory.
- Make files executable instead of using functions.
- Clean up README.
- Uninstallation.
- ginit command
- .git should not be included in clone
- add git username to config
- specify default config opts vs custom
- commit but not push option. for multiple commits per push.