
A Ruby wrapper for the Urban Airship API.

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION



urbanairship is a Ruby library for using the Urban Airship web service API for push notifications and rich app pages.


We officially support the following Ruby versions:



Version 3.0 is a major upgrade and backwards incompatible with earlier versions.

To encourage the use of our SDK, which takes care of proper channel registration, support for device token registration has been removed. Support for v1 endpoints will also be removed and transitioned to their v3 equivalents where possible.

A more detailed list of changes can be found in the CHANGELOG.


If you have the bundler gem (if not you can get it with $ gem install bundler) add this line to your application's Gemfile:

>>> gem 'urbanairship'

And then execute:

>>> $ bundle

OR install it yourself as:

>>> gem install urbanairship


Once the gem has been installed you can start sending pushes! See the full documentation, api examples, as well as the Urban Airship API Documentation for more information.

Broadcast to All Devices

>>> require 'urbanairship' >>> UA = Urbanairship >>> airship = UA::Client.new(key:'application_key', secret:'master_secret') >>> p = airship.create_push >>> p.audience = UA.all >>> p.notification = UA.notification(alert: 'Hello') >>> p.device_types = UA.all >>> p.send_push

Simple Tag Push

>>> require 'urbanairship' >>> UA = Urbanairship >>> airship = UA::Client.new(key:'application_key', secret:'master_secret') >>> p = airship.create_push >>> p.audience = UA.tag('some_tag') >>> p.notification = UA.notification(alert: 'Hello') >>> p.device_types = UA.all >>> p.send_push


The best place to ask questions is our support site: http://support.urbanairship.com/


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/urbanairship/ruby-library )
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Create a new Pull Request
  6. Sign Urban Airship's contribution agreement.

Note: Changes will not be approved and merged without a signed contribution agreement.


After checking out the repo, ensure you have bundler installed ($ gem install bundler) run:

>>> $ bin/setup

to install dependencies. Then, run:

>>> $ bin/console

for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

OR you can build a local gem to play with:

>>> $ gem build urbanairship.gemspec
>>> $ gem install ./urbanairship-<VERSION>.gem

Having a local build will give you better logging if you are running into issues, but be careful to make sure to use our released public gem in Production.