
Primary LanguageCommon Lisp

"cm-incudine" extends common music 2 (the common lisp port of common music) with realtime capabilities using the "incudine" realtime system by Tito Latini. Currently realtime midi, FUDI, OSC and any function call are supported. Note: incudine currently only works with sbcl.

The package depends on

  • cm
  • incudine
  • quicklisp (or asdf)
  • fudi-incudine

As all the code is evaluated within the "cm" package and exported from there, code evaluation should take place within the "cm" package as well.

Realtime processes can be invoked by either using the events function to an incudine-stream or the sprout function. The processes now also support realtime fudi messages in addition to osc and midi messages. To get this done first get the prerequisites:

Using a common lisp with quicklisp installed, copy all the folders of the prerequsites into the local-projects subfolder of your local quicklisp installation folder (default is ~/quicklisp/local-projects).

Then start sbcl and evaluate the following:

(ql:quickload "cm-incudine")

  (sleep 1)
  (midi-open-default :direction :input)
  (midi-open-default :direction :output)
  (osc-open-default :host "" :port 3002 :direction :input)
  (osc-open-default :host "" :port 3003 :direction :output)
  (fudi-open-default :host "" :port 3011 :direction :input)
  (fudi-open-default :host "" :port 3012 :direction :output)
  (setf *out* (new incudine-stream))
  (setf *rts-out* *out*))

Now you can send realtime midi messages to jackmidi output, tcp messages to pd listening on port 3012, or osc messages with udp to port 3003 like this:

(events (new midi :time 0 :keynum 60 :duration 1) *rts-out*)

     repeat 2
     output (new fudi :time (now) :message '(1 2 3 4))
     wait 1) :at (now))

     repeat 2
     output (new osc :time (now) :types "iiii" :message '(1 2 3 4))
     wait 1) :at (now))

The default time format is :sec but can also be set to :sample or :ms with the function #'set-time-format

The functions #'at and #'now are wrappers for the same incudine functions which automatically translate from/to the current time-format.

Receiving from fudi, osc and midi streams also works. Please refer to incudine's documentation for information how to set up receivers.

For other usage examples see the file "src/cm-incudine-examples.lisp".

Orm Finnendahl 2017