- 0
- 5
- 1
日志报警:String request is deprecated
#265 opened by maintain99 - 0
- 1
Add Kafka Topic Integration to Scrapy Redis
#288 opened by hamed21q - 7
- 0
`scrapy_redis.scheduler.Scheduler` not compatible with `scrapy.dupefilters.BaseDupeFilter`
#293 opened by HairlessVillager - 8
[Question] Fetch request url from redis fail
#285 opened by KokoTa - 13
There is a compatibility issue with the latest scrapy-redis package of the new version of scrapy
#289 opened by georgeJzzz - 7
Scrapy-redis usage related issues
#291 opened by Hao1617 - 1
[QUESTION] Is there a way to use response.meta ?
#290 opened by SteliosGiannatos - 2
Add metadata to URLs to retrieve from Redis
#287 opened by tteguayco - 0
How does the CrawlSpider work?
#284 opened by bch80 - 0
Add Type annotations pep-0483
#283 opened by LuckyPigeon - 0
[dev] Add Type annotations
#282 opened by LuckyPigeon - 14
[RFC]A new journey
#203 opened by whg517 - 4
- 2
#263 opened by zhanghongdou - 2
make_request_from_data implementation in RedisMixin
#267 opened by rjbks - 1
Cleanup requirements
#268 opened by devfox-se - 1
Scrapy 2.8.0 deprecated function scrapy.utils.request.request_fingerprint() warning
#272 opened by ThanatosDi - 5
Is there a planned support for Python3.11?
#273 opened by lion137 - 2
why I can not see request record in redis
#262 opened by minikiller - 2
#271 opened by martmalo - 1
Push json will failed
#238 opened by songhao8080 - 3
How to use scrapy-redis if I'm using start_requests() instead of start_urls in my spider?
#264 opened by ashwinbala99 - 0
[docs] Move docs to github Wiki
#224 opened by LuckyPigeon - 0
[IMPROVEMENT] Add template to issues and PRs
#213 opened by LuckyPigeon - 4
Redis data persistence
#248 opened by MRPTY1 - 5
- 2
- 0
[spiders] remove duplicate check setting types
#260 opened by LuckyPigeon - 0
Update basic settings
#226 opened by LuckyPigeon - 0
[style] Fix pylint style
#245 opened by LuckyPigeon - 0
[docs] Chinese documentation
#243 opened by LuckyPigeon - 2
- 1
[IMPROVEMENT] Update support for json data
#216 opened by LuckyPigeon - 0
- 0
- 0
[FEATURE] Finish TODO tasks
#219 opened by LuckyPigeon - 0
- 2
- 0
[IMPROVEMENT] Flake8 update for files
#207 opened by LuckyPigeon - 0
- 2
how can i get sorted url in scrapy_redis zset? and how can spider get url by scrapy_redis's zset?
#198 opened by FSNH - 2
- 9
redis stats
#196 opened by nieweiming - 0
redis stats
#195 opened by nieweiming - 0
- 0
Crawl urls not from corresponding redis key
#185 opened by nghuyong