
High Performance Computing Coursework 5

Primary LanguageC++


High Performance Computing Coursework 5

/* This is a program for performing morphological operations in gray-scale images, and in particular very large images. The general idea of morphological operations can be found here: http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/HIPR2/matmorph.htm


The program performs either open or close operations, where an open is an erode followed by a dilate, and a close is a dilate followed by an open.

Our erode operation replaces each pixel with the minimum of its Von Neumann neighbourhood, i.e. the left-right up-down cross we have used before. Dilate does the same, but takes the maximum. At each boundary, the neigbourhood it truncated to exclude parts which extend beyond the image. So for example, in the top-left corner the neighbourhood consists of just {middle,down,right}.

Images are input and output as raw binary gray-scale images, with no header. The processing parameters are set on the command line as "width height [bits] [levels]": - Width: positive integer, up to and including 2^24 - Height: positive integer, up to and including 2^24 - Bits: a binary power <=32, default=8 - Levels: number of times to erode before dilating (or vice-versa), default=1

A constraint is that mod(Width*bits,64)==0. There is no constraint on image size, beyond that imposed by the width, height, and bits parameters. To be more specific: you may be asked to process images up to 2^44 or so in pixel count, and your program won't be running on a machine with 2^41 bytes of host memory, let alone GPU memory.

Image format:

Images are represented as packed binary, in little-endian scanline order. For images with less than 8 bits per pixel, the left-most pixel is in the MSB. For example, the 64x3 1-bit image with packed hex representation:

00 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff  00 00 f0 f0 00 00 0f 0f  01 02 04 08 10 20 40 80

represents the image:


You can use imagemagick to convert to and from binary representation. For example, to convert a 512x512 image input.png to 2-bit:

convert input.png -depth 2 gray:input.raw

and to convert output.raw back again:

convert -size 512x512 -depth 2 gray:output.raw output.png

They can also read/write on stdin/stdout for streaming. But, it is also easy to generate images programmatically, particularly when dealing with large images. You can even use /dev/zero and friends if you just need something large to shove through, or want to focus on performance.


The output images should be bit-accurate correct. Any conflict between the operation of this program and the definition of the image processing and image format should be seen as a bug in this program. For example, this program cannot handle very large images, which is a bug.

Performance and constraints:

The metric used to evaluate this work is maximum pixel latency. Pixel latency is defined as the time between a given pixel entering the program, and the transformed pixel at the same co-ordinates leaving the program. The goal is to minimise the maximimum latency over all pixels. Latency measuring does not start until the first pixel enters the pipeline, so performance measurement is "on-hold" till that point. However, your program must eventually read the first pixel...

The program should support the full spectrum of input parameters correctly, including all image sizes and all pixel depths. However, particular emphasis is placed on very large 1-bit and 8-bit images. The images you'll process can have any pixel distribution, but they are often quite sparse, meaning a large proportion of the pixels are zero. The zero to non-zero ratio may rise to 1:1000000 for very large images, with a large amount of spatial clustering of the non-zero pixels. That may be useful in some cases... or not.

Execution and compilation:

Your program will be executed on a number of machines, and it is your job to try to make it work efficiently on whatever it finds. It should work correctly on whatever hardware it is executed on, whether it has a K40 or a dual-core Celeron. Performance is subordinate to correctness, so be careful when allocating buffers etc. It is always better to fall back to software if something goes wrong with OpenCL setup, rather than crashing or having the program quit.

Both OpenCL 1.1 and TBB 4.2 will be available at compilation time, and it is up to you what you want to use. Recall the "on-hold" metric, and consider the possibilities...


Your submission should consist of a tar.gz (not a rar or a zip), and there should be a directory called "src", which contains all the .cpp files that need to be compiled together to create your executable. Any header files need to be in that directory, or included with relative paths.

The compiler will make OpenCL 1.1 available for #include from "CL/" and "OpenCL/", and TBB 4.2 from "tbb/*". No other libraries should be assumed, beyond standard C++11 libraries.

Your program will always be run with the "src" directory as its working directory, so you can load any kernel files from there, or from sub-directories of "src".

As well as your source code, you should also include a "readme.txt" or "readme.pdf", which covers the following:

  • What is the approach used to improve performance, in terms of algorithms, patterns, and optimisations.
  • A description of any testing methodology or verification.
  • A summary of how work was partitioned within the pair, including planning, design, and testing, as well as coding. This document does not need to be long, it is not a project report.

As well as the code and the document, feel free to include any other interesting artefacts, such as testing code or performance measurements. Just make sure to clean out anything large, like test images, object files, executables.

Marking scheme:

33% : Performance, relative to other implementations 33% : Correctness 33% : Code review (style, appropriateness of approach, readability...)


Everyones submission will be different for this coursework, there is little chance of seeing the same code by accident. However, you can use whatever code you like from this file. You may also use third-party code, but you need to attribute it very clearly and carefully, and be able to justify why it was used - submissions created from mostly third-party code will be frowned upon, but only in terms of marks.

Any code transfer between pairs will be treated as plagiarism. I would suggest you keep your code private, not least because you are competing with the others.



How to build ***

g++ -I include/ src/process.cpp -std=c++11

How to run *** cat input.raw | ./a.out 512 512 2 | convert -size 512x512 -depth 2 gray:- output.png Processing 512 x 512 image with 2 bits per pixel. 0.0644059 s

This part is pretty important

The metric used to evaluate this work is maximum pixel latency. Pixel latency is defined as the time between a given pixel entering the program, and the transformed pixel at the same co-ordinates leaving the program. The goal is to minimise the maximimum latency over all pixels. Latency measuring does not start until the first pixel enters the pipeline, so performance measurement is "on-hold" till that point. However, your program must eventually read the first pixel...

So essentially any preprocessing can be done before pixels arrive.

cat input1024.raw | ./a.out 1024 1024 2 | convert -size 1024x1024 -depth 2 gray:- output.png Processing 1024 x 1024 image with 2 bits per pixel. Overall time 0.329756 s Read Blob 416990 s unpack_blob 0.0132685 s process 0.291943 s pack_blob 0.00809472 s write_blob 0.0161225 s

So we should work on process() - which contains predominantly lots of erodes and dilates.


New source code has been written which deals with streams rather than entire images.

Read stream chunk Unpack it Repack it Write out to stream

Currently working for bit sizes of 1,2,4,8,16. Doesn't work for 32 currently as we're converting to floats in order to support intrinsic operations to make the dilate and erode super speedy.

Can be verified by running

diff <(cat script/input512_d16.raw | ./bin/process 512 512 16 2>/dev/null) <(cat script/input512_d16.raw)

where 16 can be replaced with an alternate bit size. Should return nothing, this means everything is kosher.

Can't use test script at the moment as we're not testing anything yet.

For dilate we need to manually do layers = 1, as this is just a cross ___ __ || |||| ||

Otherwise we get a diamond, with sides length layers + 1, i.e layers = 2 ___ i___|| j ||||___ |||x||| |||| ||

We need to write erode with packs floats into _m128 variables which we can use in intrinsic operations calculating the minimum on a vector of floats. This allows us to calculate the minimum iterating over ij for four pixels concurrently:

__m128 _mm_min_ps (__m128 a, __m128 b) #include "xmmintrin.h" Instruction: minps xmm, xmm CPUID Flag : SSE Description Compare packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in a and b, and store packed minimum values in dst. Operation FOR j := 0 to 3 i := j*32 dst[i+31:i] := MIN(a[i+31:i], b[i+31:i]) ENDFOR

This takes 3 cycles to complete.

_m128 pack original pixels for i, j: generatexy(i,j) pack pixels[xy_pixel_0, ......., xy_pixel_3] original = _mm_min_ps(original, new);

pack result 0 into result buffer.

That'll do donkey, that'll do.