
Tracking of Cosmin's win32 api for luajit (with adjustments)

Primary LanguageLua


Tracking of Cosmin's win32 api for luajit (with adjustments)


To run the demo:

Checkout the files and run luajit.exe main.lua (the checkout comes with luajit.exe, though your own should suffice).

Instructions for building a version of luajit with the library linked in:

1)Checkout files to the luajit src directory.

1.5)Ensure that luajit.exe is there.

2)Run build.bat

3)Rebuild luajit, but make sure that msvcbuild.bat doesn't delete the luajit.obj file.

4)Link .o files to lua executable, ala:

link.exe /out:luajit.exe luajit.obj lua51.lib winapi_*.o glue.o stddef_h.o systypes_h.o unit.o

5)Run luajit.exe test.lua

Here is the screenshot of running luajit.exe main.lua, which uses the HTMLayout control. The file tree is running within HTMLayout, which means you can have arbitrary HTML within your tree view.


For Example, here are the tree nodes as html tables. ScreenShot