
A Symfony Bundle for sending cross platform push notifications, using Amazon SNS

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Aws Push Bundle

A convenient bundle for registering devices and then pushing to them using amazons SNS service.

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php composer.phar require mcfedr/awspushbundle


Include the bundle in your AppKernel

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        new Mcfedr\AwsPushBundle\McfedrAwsPushBundle()


Put something like this in your config. The arns in the platforms section should be the preconfigured app arns in SNS.

        ios: 'arn:aws:sns:....'
        android: 'arn:aws:sns:....'
    topic_arn: 'arn:aws:sns:...'
        key: 'my key'
        secret: 'my secret'
        region: 'my region'


Basically have a look at how the ApiController does its stuff

  1. Register the device token

     $arn = $this->get('mcfedr_aws_push.devices')->registerDevice($token, $platform)
  2. Send message to one device

     $this->get('mcfedr_aws_push.messages')->send($message, $arn)
  3. Send message to all devices


Alternative usage, using topics to send messages to lots of devices

  1. Register the device token

     $arn = $this->get('mcfedr_aws_push.devices')->registerDevice($token, $platform)
  2. Register the device on the topic

     $this->get('mcfedr_aws_push.topics')->registerDeviceOnTopic($arn, $topicArn)
  3. Send messages

     $this->get('mcfedr_aws_push.topics')->broadcast($message, $topicArn)

If you later add a topic_name to the configuration you can run the mcfedr:aws:subscribe command to add your existing devices to the topic.

Text in notifications

For GCM and ADM there is no 'standard' key for text data as there is for Apple pushes, so this bundle send text in a key called 'message'.

If localized text is sent the keys are

  • message-loc-key
  • message-loc-args

'Complicated' data on ADM

ADM only allows strings as values in the push data. This bundle lets you send 'complicated' values and will automatically json encode these values for ADM. When it does this the key has _json added so that its easy to handle this on the app side.



$message = new Message();
$message->setCustom(['simple' => 'Hello', 'complicated' => ['inner' => 'value']]);

ADM received data:

{"data": {"simple": "Hello", "complicated_json": "{\"inner\":\"value\"}"}}

To handle this data you should detect keys that end with _json and decode the values

The applies to message-loc-args as well, they will always come as message-loc-args_json via ADM


There are some commands to help manage the devices

  1. mcfedr:aws:enable

    This will reenable all the devices

  2. mcfedr:aws:remove

    This will remove any disabled devices. Its a good idea to do something like this regularly to remove old devices

  3. mcfedr:aws:subscribe

    This will subscribe all devices to a topic, useful when introducing a topic

Api Controller

There is a controller included which makes basic usage of the bundle very easy. You may or may not want to use it, you might find it most useful as an example.

Dont forget to install mcfedr/json-form and sensio/framework-extra-bundle if you want to use this


If you want to use the default controller you need to setup the routing

    resource: "@McfedrAwsPushBundle/Controller/"
    type:     annotation
    prefix:   /


The controller provides two urls, both expect a JSON POST body

  1. The first is a way to register a device

     POST /devices
         "device": {
             "deviceId": "a push token",
             "platform": "the platform name in your config file"
  2. The second is a way to send a broadcast message. If you are using a topic for all devices then don't send the platform parameter.

     POST /broadcast
         "broadcast": {
             "platform": "ios"
             "message": {
                 "text": "The plain text message to send",
                 "badge": 1

API documentation

You can see the full API documentation on github pages.