Pratical React Native

React Native - The Practical Guide [2022 Edition] by Maximilian Schwarzmuller

Course: (
Course length: 32.5 hours

About this course

Use React Native and your React knowledge to build native iOS and Android Apps - incl. Push Notifications, Hooks, Redux

Here's a detailed look at what you'll get:

  • The core concepts and theory
  • How to use React, JavaScript and native components
  • Understand how to navigate in React Native apps
  • A closer look at styling and animating React Native apps
  • Instructions on how to use third-party libraries in your React Native app
  • Detailed examples on how to use maps or an image picker
  • A full user authentication flow
  • How to connect to a backend server from your app
  • Debugging instructions

Life cycle of Course Outline:

Section Topics Completed
Section 01 Getting started
Section 02 React Native Basics
Section 03 Debugging react native apps
Section 04 Diving depper into components, Layouts & Styling - MiniGame app
Section 05 Building adaptative User Interfaces - Platform & devices
Section 06 React Native Navigation - Meals App
Section 07 Redux & Context Api
Section 08 Expenses Tracker App
Section 09 Handling User Input
Section 10 Sending Http Requests
Section 11 User Authentication
Section 12 Using Native Device Features
Section 13 Builiding RN apps without Expo
Section 14 Publishing RN apps
Section 15 Push Notifications
Section 16 Course Roundup
Section 17 Bonus: Javascript refresher
Section 18 Bonus: React refresher