Materials from presentations, meetings, and work related to the American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2018 Fall Meeting
Contained within this directory are:
Materials related to my two posters:
- "Ushering in a new frontier in geospace through Data Science" (
- document with references and acknowledgements
- "New understanding of multiscale field-aligned currents and scientific and technological impact on the magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere system" (
- document with references and acknowledgements
- Presentation exploring the relationship between Field-Aligned Currents (FACs) and Total Electron Content (TEC)
- Movie showing an event study (December 20, 2015) with multi-observation data (FACs from AMPERE and Swarm, TEC from the Canadian High Arctic Ionospherice Network (CHAIN), and Equivalent Ionospheric Currents (EICs)), exploring the relationship between these parameters
- "Ushering in a new frontier in geospace through Data Science" (
Materials related to the two conference sessions that I convened:
- "Convergence in Space Physics and Earth Science: Discovery Through Machine Learning" (
- "Machine Learning in Space Weather" (
Materials related to my Town Hall Session: "Data Science and a New Scientific Frontier in Space Science" (
Contact information:
Twitter: @AeroSciengineer