
A Discord chat bot written in python

Primary LanguagePython


by Ryan McMillan 2020.
A Discord chat bot written in python utilizing discord.py and discord APIs.

Table of Contents


This project was created with the intention of honing my python programming, and artificial intelligence/machine learning skills.
I intend this bot to be a testing ground for experimenting with textual NLP models and voice recognition.
The idea to create a chat bot came from aceking007's #100ProjectssOfCode repository.


Currently RizzBot has the following engrained functionalities:

  • Welcome a new user to the discord server.
  • Return a personalised greeting
  • Return a random trivia question from https://opentdb.com
  • Roll a dice and return the integer between 1 and 6 for a user.

Features to Add

The following is a list of features that I intend to add to this project.
[] Endow with sentience (Incorporate Artificial Intelligence)
[] Link to this README.md on github in the !help command
[] Heads or Tails
[] Scissors Paper Rock vs RizzBot
[] Scissors Paper Rock vs another server member
[] Adjudicate games of odds between server members
[] Ask Jeopardy Questions, wait and tell the answer
[] Play trivia with server members and keep score


All commands for Rizzbot are prefixed with an '!'. The following commands can be sent through any text channel or Direct Message to RizzBot:

Command Description
!roll_dice A function requesting RizzBot return a number between 1 and 6.
!hello Returns a personalised greeting.
!SPR Allows the user to play Scissors Paper Rock with Rizzbot (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
!help Shows the user a list of available commands

What I have learned

A Build Log (BLog)

15DEC20 - Trivia Night