
Seasonal changes in crop albedo


Seasonal Albedo data

general information

This repository houses data from a study in the Texas High Plains examining the response of crop albedo to changes in climate from summer to winter and the leaf traits driving this response. The dataset corresponds to the article Leaf traits drive seasonal increase in the albedo of Texas High Plains agricultural systems by McNellis and Smith. [link to article to be added following publication]


Risa McNellis (risa.mcnellis@gmail.com) and Nick Smith (nick.gregory.smith@gmail.com)

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folder descriptions


This folder contains all of the data files.

file descriptions


This file contains stomatal conductance, leaf chlorophyll, leaf thickness, leaf area, and leaf mass. The specific column information is:

  • date: the date of measurement, corresponds to date column in all other files
  • ID: the sample ID indicating site_species_plot, corresponds to ID column in all other files
  • rep: the replicate within the plot
  • conductance: stomatal conductance measured with a Meter Porometer SC-1 (mmol m-2 s-1)
  • temperature: leaf temperature measured with a Meter Porometer SC-1 (degrees Celsius)
  • leaf_angle: the angle of the leaf from 0 - 90 measured with a PhotosynQ MultispeQ v2 (degrees)
  • rel_chlorophyll: relative chlorophyll content measured with a PhotosynQ MultispeQ v2 using a modified version of the SPAD parameter
  • thickness: thickness of the leaf measured with a PhotosynQ MultispeQ v2 (µm)
  • leaf_area: area of leaf (mm2)
  • leaf_mass: mass of leaf (mg)


This file contains minimum, maximum, and average one-minute incoming and reflected shortwave radiation measured with a Kipp & Zonen SMP3. The specific column information is:

  • date: the date of measurement, corresponds to date column in all other files
  • time: the time of measurement
  • ID: the sample ID indicating site_species_plot, corresponds to ID column in all other files
  • refl_rad_min: minimum one-minute reflected radiation (W m-2)
  • refl_rad_avg: average one-minute reflected radiation (W m-2)
  • refl_rad_max: maximum one-minute reflected radiation (W m-2)
  • in_rad_min: minimum one-minute incoming radiation (W m-2)
  • in_rad_avg: average one-minute incoming radiation (W m-2)
  • in_rad_max: maximum one-minute incoming radiation (W m-2)


This file contains plot data including species, planting date, latitude, longitude, leaf area index, soil moisture, plant height, and soil albedo. The specific column information is:

  • date: the date of measurement, corresponds to date column in all other files
  • DOY: the measurement day of year
  • ID: the sample ID indicating site_species_plot, corresponds to ID column in all other files
  • species: the USDA symbol for each species, where GOSSY is Gossypium hirsutum L. (cotton), SECE is Secale cereale (rye), SOBI2 is Sorghum bicolor (sorghum), TRAE is Triticum aestivum (wheat), and TRITI2 is xTriticosecale [Secale x Triticum] (triticale)
  • site: the site ID
  • plant_date: the approximate planting date
  • lat: site latitude (decimal degrees)
  • long: site longitude (decimal degrees)
  • clear_sky: visual estimate of the percent of sky free of clouds during measurement period (%)
  • LAI: leaf area index measured with a Li-Cor LAI-2200C (m2 m-2)
  • VWC: volumetric water content measured with a Delta T Devices HH2 Moisture Meter and ML3 Theta Probe (m3 m-3)
  • plant_height: height of tallest plant in the plot (cm)
  • soil_L: CIELAB color space lightness (L) value of soil
  • soil_a: CIELAB color space green to red (a) value of soil
  • soil_b: CIELAB color space blue to yellow (b) value of soil
  • soil_value: Munsell value of soil
  • soil_alb: albedo of soil