
Application & Documentation Archive for Anki Vector

Primary LanguageHTML

The Vector Archive

This repo is intended to house archives for the Anki Vector (née Victor) robot.

Useful addresses hardcoded in to the Vector app & OS

Vector SDK Registration Flow

  • Cert downloaded for Vector downloaded from https://session-certs.token.global.anki-services.com/vic/{serial_number}
  • User session established with Anki using the Accounts API
  • Session token Base64 encoded
  • Machine hostname Base64 encoded
  • Encoded session token & machine hostname sent to Vector API (/v1/user_authentication)
  • Vector responds with Base64 encoded OAuth token (client_token_guid)
  • guid decoded and stored in the sdk_config.ini

Vector API Usage

  • Nearly all calls to Vector are POSTS
  • /v1/user_authentication is the only request that doesn't require a bearer token

Currently known Vector API Endpoints

Method API Endpoint URI Method API Endpoint URI
POST "/v1/alexa_auth_state" POST "/v1/feature_flag_list"
POST "/v1/alexa_opt_in" POST "/v1/find_faces"
POST "/v1/app_intent" POST "/v1/flash_cube_lights"
POST "/v1/assume_behavior_control" POST "/v1/forget_preferred_cube"
POST "/v1/audio_feed" POST "/v1/get_latest_attention_transfer"
POST "/v1/battery_state" POST "/v1/get_onboarding_state"
POST "/v1/camera_feed" POST "/v1/go_to_pose"
POST "/v1/cancel_action_by_id_tag" POST "/v1/is_image_streaming_enabled"
POST "/v1/cancel_face_enrollment" POST "/v1/list_animation_triggers"
POST "/v1/capture_single_image" POST "/v1/list_animations"
POST "/v1/check_cloud_connection" POST "/v1/look_around_in_place"
POST "/v1/check_update_status" POST "/v1/nav_map_feed"
POST "/v1/connect_cube" POST "/v1/photo"
POST "/v1/create_fixed_custom_object" POST "/v1/photos_info"
POST "/v1/cubes_available" POST "/v1/protocol_version"
POST "/v1/define_custom_object" POST "/v1/pull_jdocs"
POST "/v1/delete_custom_objects" POST "/v1/request_enrolled_names"
POST "/v1/delete_photo" POST "/v1/roll_block"
POST "/v1/disconnect_cube" POST "/v1/say_text"
POST "/v1/display_face_image_rgb" POST "/v1/sdk_initialization"
POST "/v1/dock_with_cube" POST "/v1/send_onboarding_input"
POST "/v1/drive_off_charger" POST "/v1/set_eye_color"
POST "/v1/drive_on_charger" POST "/v1/set_face_to_enroll"
POST "/v1/enable_face_detection" POST "/v1/set_preferred_cube"
POST "/v1/enable_image_streaming" POST "/v1/start_update_engine"
POST "/v1/enable_marker_detection" POST "/v1/thumbnail"
POST "/v1/enable_mirror_mode" POST "/v1/update_account_settings"
POST "/v1/enable_motion_detection" POST "/v1/update_and_restart"
POST "/v1/erase_all_enrolled_faces" POST "/v1/update_enrolled_face_by_id"
POST "/v1/erase_enrolled_face_by_id" POST "/v1/update_settings"
POST "/v1/event_stream" POST "/v1/user_authentication"
GET "/v1/event_stream" POST "/v1/version_state"
POST "/v1/feature_flag"

DNS Entries used by Vector

DNS Name Record Type Value Usage
jdocs.api.anki.com CNAME sai-jdocs-production-a118882cab770eaf.elb.us-west-2.amazonaws.com Cloud storage for Vector data
chipper.api.anki.com CNAME sai-chipper-voice-production-c3986a3cf3880c40.elb.us-west-2.amazonaws.com Voice NLP service
locations.api.anki.com CNAME sai-locations-production-867039238.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com
accounts.api.anki.com CNAME sai-go-accounts-production-639190070.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com User identity service
token.api.anki.com CNAME sai-token-service-production-4e4f609b8a1ff82b.elb.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
0.anki.pool.ntp.com A Anki time service
0.anki.pool.ntp.com A Anki time service
0.anki.pool.ntp.com A Anki time service
0.anki.pool.ntp.com A Anki time service
1.anki.pool.ntp.com A Anki time service
1.anki.pool.ntp.com A Anki time service
1.anki.pool.ntp.com A Anki time service
1.anki.pool.ntp.com A Anki time service
2.anki.pool.ntp.com A Anki time service
2.anki.pool.ntp.com A Anki time service
2.anki.pool.ntp.com A Anki time service
2.anki.pool.ntp.com A Anki time service
2.anki.pool.ntp.com A 2001:19f0:200:144b::2000 Anki time service
2.anki.pool.ntp.com A 2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fe08:894c Anki time service
2.anki.pool.ntp.com A 2604:880:52:9bb::1 Anki time service
2.anki.pool.ntp.com A 2620:138:5000:0:5054:ff:fe89:6673 Anki time service
3.anki.pool.ntp.com A Anki time service
3.anki.pool.ntp.com A Anki time service
3.anki.pool.ntp.com A Anki time service
3.anki.pool.ntp.com A Anki time service
conncheck.global.anki-services.com A
conncheck.global.anki-services.com A
conncheck.global.anki-services.com A
conncheck.global.anki-services.com A
ota.global.anki-services.com A OTA firmware distribution
ota.global.anki-services.com A OTA firmware distribution
ota.global.anki-services.com A OTA firmware distribution
ota.global.anki-services.com A OTA firmware distribution
forums.anki.com CNAME anki.bydiscourse.com Developer/User Forums

Vector Cert and Auth Files

Since we don't know how long the servers that create your SDK_Config information will stay up, it is very important to configure your Vector SDK and back up these files.

By default they can be find in your C:\Users[username].anki_vector folder.

You will find a .cert file for each Vector. It will be named Vector-[####]-[xxxxxxxx].cert where #### is the Vector name, and xxxxxxxx is the serial number.

The other file will be the sdk_config.ini file, which will contain information for each Vector you configure.

Within the file you will find your serial number, file location for the cert, ip address assigned to that Vector, Vector name, and guid value.

Back this folder up in multiple locations. If you lose this guid and the auth servers go down, you're going to have a bad time.