Getting Started


  • helm
  • minikube or AKS cluster
  • kubectl

Jenkins server setup

  1. Install prerequisite first

  2. If you are using minikube setup update the file line 10 to file("minikube-values.yaml"),

  3. Update the Load balancer public ip to the correct value in line no 37. If you are using minikube change line no 15 to empty string value = "". IF you are using ingress service to expose the ui then update the line no 128 of aks-values.yaml to type serviceType: ClusterIP. To create the ingress service use the ingress.yaml file provided. In the ingress.yaml update the values of the <JENKINS_DOMAIN> and <LOADBALANCER_IP> values with the correct values of the ingress controller. In hear i have setup letsencrypt as the certificate provider.

  4. Setup the kubernetes credentials locally. I have pointed the relevant providers to ~/.kube/config path

  5. Once setup run terrafrom init and terraform apply. When prompted type yes to approve the provisioning process.

Improvements to the current setup

We can improve the setup by creating creating a node autoscaling so that is the cluster is in idle it wont cause the cost to incur. We can setup multiple users to isolate the permissions between different roles.



Accessing the server

Go to the path http://${Loadbalancer_public_ip}:8080/ and login using the credentials.If you use the minikube use the nodeport local ip with 8080 port

  • adminUser: "admin"
  • adminPassword: "kXKpX96W9c6GlNK888TyaQ"

The requested job has already been configured in the server as widgets-resources-build with default-agent Once the job is manually triggered it will automatically provision an agent pod and do the build process according to the job description.

Once finished it will automatically terminate the above pod

You can use the command kubectl get pods -n jenkins --watch monitor the above process

I have setup an sample job which clones the repo and install the dependencies this can be extended as required easily

Resource clean up

You can run command terraform apply clean up the created resources in the jenkins namespace.