
Automatic video compositions

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

vidmaster PyPI version

This script aims to automate the video compositions for the GULUC3M talks.

Compatible with Python 2 and 3, tested with 2.7 and 3.4 .


vidmaster depends on MoviePy, if you are installing manually, run:

$ pip install moviepy

MoviePy uses FFmpeg for its operations. If for some reason FFmpeg is not available in your distribution, the imageio library (dependency from MoviePy) will download a binary and use it.

Due to imageio limitations, this will not work on Raspberry Pi automatically, so you may have to compile FFmpeg and modify some configurations


vidmaster is available in the Package Index, simply run:

$ pip install vidmaster

to install vidmaster and its dependencies or download the source and run:

$ python setup.py install


You can use vidmaster in two ways:

  • As an independent program:
$ vidmaster <video script file>
  • As a Python module:
from vidmaster.workbench import start_workbench
import sys

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print("Usage: vidmaster.py <video script file>")

    workbench = start_workbench(sys.argv[1])



vidmaster uses a dead simple (and quite silly) scripting language for defining the compositions.

See Scripting for more information on the syntax or Script example for a real example.