
A (dead-simple) Golang utility allowing you to monitor HTTP endpoints

Primary LanguageGo


This small utility is dead simple and will allow you to monitor HTTP endpoints, and easily pluggable in the CI. Everything is configurable through a YAML file (monitor.yml) and looks like this:

insecure: false
timeout_seconds: 5
  - url: "https://www.cfptime.org"
    status_code: 200
    match: "Loading"
    response_time: 210
  - url: "https://shodan.io/"
    status_code: 200
    match: "the Internet of Things"


Option What does it mean
insecure Skip SSL/TLS verification (in case of self-signed certificates, ..)
timeout_seconds How long you'd like to wait for the HTTP request
checks A list of all the checks you'd like to perform
checks > url The URL you want to monitor
checks > status_code The status code you expect
checks > match One string you're looking for on the webpage


In order to launch it, just build it and run it this way:

$ go build main.go && ./main
[OK] https://www.cfptime.org
[OK] https://shodan.io/
$ echo $?

If you add another check that will obviously fail:

  - url: "https://urlthatdoesnotexist.foobar"
    status_code: 500
    match: "the Internet of Things"

Resulting output will be:

$ ./main
[OK] https://www.cfptime.org
[OK] https://shodan.io/
[NOK] https://urlthatdoesnotexist.foobar
$ echo $?


Feel free to fork the project and do whatever you want with it.