
Complete Wakanda Template for the Backend with a traditional Employee Company model and Login

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Complete Wakanda Template for the Backend with a traditional Employee Company model and Login

Installation (for Wakanda 2.2 or higher)

  1. Copy the folder /EmployeeCompanyLogin to your local machine at Documents/Wakanda/templates/backend/EmployeeCompanyLogin

That is it :)

Installation (for Wakanda 2.0 or 2.1x)

  1. The template folder will be located in the Wakanda Studio files. Please go to where you installed your Wakanda (windows or Mac)

  2. Copy the folder /EmployeeCompanyLoginn to [your Wakanda Studio Location]/Contents/Extensions/wakanda-extension-templates/templates/backend

That is it :)

How to create a Solution with the Login template:

  1. Open Wakanda Studio
  2. Create a new project. In the Backend dialog, choose EmployeeCompanyLogin

Enjoy your template.

More info

You can get more info about the code in this other repository https://github.com/rmello4d/WakandaEmailCustomLogin

Or you can book a one-on-one demo with me where I will go through the details of this implementation here https://calendly.com/ricardo-mello/one-on-one