A starter Google map app to that allows users to search and view locations on a map. Users can view the location address and Foursquare rating.
The app makes use of the Google Maps API to initialize the display of the map, the markers and the info window.
The app makes use of the Foursquare Venue API to display the venue rating and image of location within the map info windows.
The app makes use of the MVVM framework to bind data between the model and the view. The input box uses Knockout's observable array's to filter the list.
Windows: Use the Git Bash program (installed with Git) to get a Unix-style terminal. Other systems: Use your favorite terminal program.
From the terminal, run:
git clone https://github.com/rmews/neighborhood-map.git
This will give you a directory named neighborhood-map complete with the source code for the application.
Navigate to the index.html file and double-click the file. This will launch it in your browser.