
Allows you to edit ArchestrA code in Notepad++ with syntax highlighting, suggestion of built in functions (with parameters) etc.

ArchestrA Notepad++ Plugin Toolkit

Copyright 2014 Ryan Hildebrandt www.RyanHildebrandt.com | ryan@ryanhildebrandt.com

This toolkit is provided free, open source, and without warranty. Please contact me with any feature requests, bugs etc

ArchestrA Notepad++ Language Definition

  1. Open Notepad++
  2. Language -> Define your language
  3. Press the "Import" button and select the enclosed "ArchestrA_Npp_LanguageDefinition.xml" file for import.
  4. Close and Re-open Notepad++
  5. Next time you open an ArchestrA script with Notepad++ you can now select the "ArchestA" language (or, save any file with a .archestra extension and the language will be automatically selected)

ArchestrA Notepad++ Auto-Complete Plugin

  1. Install the Language Definition as per the above instructions
  2. Ensure Notepad++ is closed
  3. Copy the "archestra.xml" file into the /plugins/APIs folder of your Notepad++ install directory (eg: C:/Program Files(x86)/Notepad++/plugins/APIs/)
  4. Reopen Notepad++
  5. In Settings/Preferences/Auto-Completion, select "Enable Auto-Completion on each input" and either "Function completion" or "Function and word completion". Also select "Function parameters hint on input". If desired, you can also auto-complete quotes and brackets
  6. Select "ArchestrA" for the file language, and begin typing. Functions should be autocompleted, with hints as to the inputs of the function as well.