
Primary LanguageOpenSCAD

3D Acoustics


Advanced 3D printing techniques allow for the making of complex musical instrument parts such as resonators (e.g., string instrument bodies, etc.) or sound generators (e.g., membranes, etc.). They also enable for the precise control of the various parameters of the final product (e.g., uniformity of material properties, size, shape, etc.). Beside being a potential revolution for lutherie in general, it is also a fantastic opportunity to test physical modeling algorithms (e.g., FDTD schemes, etc.) under certain conditions. Being able to predict the sound of an instrument before printing it would be an invaluable tool for luthiers using this type of technology.

The main goal of this project is to ally the expertise on physical modeling of musical instruments of researchers at CCRMA (Stanford University) and NTNU (Trondheim, Norway) to HP Inc’s Multi-Jet Fusion Technology provided by HP Labs (Palo Alto, USA).


  • Experiment 1: see README in exp1.