
Tiny abstraction over RecyclerView components that aims to remove mundane tasks of RecyclerView setup.

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



SimplerRecyclerView is a tiny abstraction (<150 lines of code) wraps up all the boring and tedious code that is required to make RecyclerView up and going and allows you to focus on important stuff - creating items that represent data to be presented and ViewHolders that are able to update UI accordingly.



Add to your build.gradle dependency:

implementation 'com.github.rmielnik:list:1.0.0'

Basic usage sample

Let's say you have a class ParagraphItem that represents data that will be displayed in RecyclerView and a layout R.layout.item_paragraph that should be used by ViewHolder.

data class ParagraphItem(
    val text: CharSequence

First you need to implement RecyclerItem interface:

data class ParagraphItem(
    override val id: Int,
    val text: CharSequence
) : RecyclerItem {

    override val viewHolderType = R.layout.item_paragraph

Next you need to create a ViewHolder class that extends AbstractViewHolder, for example:

class ParagraphViewHolder(view: View) : AbstractViewHolder<ParagraphItem>(view) {
    override fun bind(item: ParagraphItem) {
        (itemView as TextView).text = item.text

Now let's create an adapter that will be able to utilize both classes. The quickest approach is to create a ViewHolderRegistry that is responsible for creating AbstractViewHolder for specific ParagraphItem::viewHolderType:

val factory = ViewHolderFactoryRegistry().apply {
    register(R.layout.item_paragraph) { ParagraphViewHolder(it) }

Now you can create an adapter. Provided SimpleListAdapter is a very simple implementation that is good enough for the most popular use cases. Simply create it and attach to view holder:

adapter = SimpleListAdapter(factory)
recyclerView.adapter = adapter

Please check sampleViewHolderFactory and sampleCallbacks packages for reference.

Creating custom adapter

If you need to create custom adapter you may extend SimpleListAdapter, for example:

class ExampleAdapter() : SimpleListAdapter<RecyclerItem>(
    viewHolderFactory = object : ViewHolderFactory<RecyclerItem> {
        override fun create(view: View, viewType: Int): AbstractViewHolder<RecyclerItem> {
            return when (viewType) {
                R.layout.item_pargraph -> ParagraphViewHolder(view)
                else -> error("Unsupported view type")
            } as AbstractViewHolder<RecyclerItem>

Registering factory functions in ViewHolderFactoryRegistry

There are three register methods that you can use when registering factory methods.

val factory = ViewHolderFactoryRegistry().apply {
    // Option 1: make use of generics to validate types - if AViewHolder does not extend
    // AbstractViewHolder<ItemA> compilation will fail
    ItemA::class.register(R.layout.item_a) { AViewHolder(it) }

    // Option 2: make use of generics to validate types - provide class as an argument
    // IF BViewHolder does not extend AbstractViewHolder<ItemB> this method won't compile
    registerSafe(ItemB::class, R.layout.item_b) { BViewHolder(it) }

    // Option 3: don't validate types but make use of the most concise code
    register(R.layout.item_c) { CViewHolder(it) }

Using payloads to update view holder

In case you want to have more granular control over ViewHolder updates you may use ListAdapter::onBindViewHolder(VH holder, int position, List<Object> payloads) method. SimpleListAdapter supports it out of the box. To use it you need to:

  1. In your RecyclerItem implement interface UpdatableItem.
  2. In your view holder change parent from AbstractViewHolder to AbstractUpdatableViewHolder

Please check sampleCounter package for reference.


Copyright 2020 Robert Mielnik

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.