Humans vs. Aliens Game Design Document

Description of Game:

Turn­based strategy RPG­style board game with two opposing forces (humans and

aliens) utilizing combat system, job/role system and weapons system.


Humans land on an unknown planet, discovering another life form already inhabiting

it. Upon landing, a small group of humans wanders too far, alerting the aliens to the

humans’ arrival and the subsequent capture of that small squad of humans. Another

human witnesses this and runs back to the humans’ landing area, informing the

Commander, leader of the humans sent to explore the planet, to what they’ve just

seen. The Commander sends out ten soldiers inclusive of himself (herself?) to

retrieve the captured group, meanwhile the alien forces gather ten members to

exterminate the invaders.

Alternate Story Endings:

(I just brain-stormed something random, please add more endings so the game can

randomly choose one at the end!)

If humans win, they save the captive humans and escape the planet, returning to

Earth. On Earth humans attempt to make amends for their invasion of the aliens and

send a spaceship to try to communicate with the aliens in a friendly manner.

If aliens win, the captive humans are used for various experiments. The aliens

manage to learn the human language and use this to communicate to humans via

radio telescope.

Job Descriptions:


Initial Jobs:

Commander – leader of the team (special ability??)

Soldier – initial role for everyone else – can do basic attack (no weapon)

Jobs requiring weapon pickup:

Medic – heals team members [Special ability: Generates HP over time]

Long­range attacker – attacks from afar (e.g. cannon)

Close­range attacker – attacks from close­by

Defender – shields team members from enemy attacks

Combat Engineer – sets traps, uses mines/hidden bombs (sabotages enemy team)

Cheerleader – boosts the stats of the team (e.g. increases defense, strength)


Initial Jobs:

Chief – leader of the team (special ability??)

Spawn (another name please!) – initial role for all other aliens – can do a basic ability

(what will that be??)

Jobs requiring weapon pickup:

[Insert alien roles here] – need to be different from humans

Weapon Descriptions:

One weapon per job role.

Cannon – Long­range attacker

Gun – Close­range attacker

Magical hands – Medic

Shield – Defender

Combat kit (consisting of various equipment, traps, bombs) ­ Combat Engineer

Flag – Cheerleader

Stats for each Job Role:

Each job has a HP, Strength, Defense

[Insert Stats Here]

E.g. Medic can have 50 HP, 20 Strength, 10 Defense. (Note: Strength means how

strong their healing power is)

E.g. Defender can have 100 HP, 30 Strength, 30 Defense (Strength is ability to

defend teammates, defense is ability to defend itself)

Game Rules:

This is a 2 player game – players need to decide if they will play as humans or

aliens. Players move across the board to collect weapons, battle enemies or support

their team.

Each team starts with ten pieces. (Humans: 1 Commander, 9 soldiers) (Aliens: 1

Chief, 9 spawn?)

One piece can only have one role (and therefore only one weapon) at any one time.

Exception is the basic starting roles of soldier/spawn that all pieces already have and

continue to have throughout the game.

Initial Setup:

Hexagonal “squares” or tiles covering the entire board, the board itself is immobile,

each tile can represent a tile of grass, dirt, water etc.

All 20 pieces and a number of weapons are randomly placed on the board.

Every piece except the leaders of each force (commander, chief) are given the initial

role of soldier/spawn.

Moving around the Board:

Players roll a die, player with the highest roll moves first.

If player rolls a 3, choose a piece and move it 3 spaces.

Landing on a Weapon:

Player can choose to pick up the weapon (and therefore assuming the weapon’s job

role), or not pick up the weapon. If the player already has a role and chooses to pick

up the weapon they relinquish their current role and assume the new role, dropping

their current weapon on the current tile and picking up the new weapon.

Landing on a square occupied by the Enemy:

Initiates Battle

Landing on a square occupied by a Teammate:

If the 2 pieces complement each other (supporting role and attacker etc.), this

combination can be used should the enemy initiate battle with the pieces in the next


If the 2 pieces are of similar role (attacker/attacker, defender/defender), then nothing

special happens if a battle starts in next turn.

If the 2 pieces are medic and any other piece, the medic can heal the other piece.

(Did we agree on this? I’m not sure)

After battle, if 2 pieces of the same team were both used in the same battle, they

must separate onto different squares on the next turn.

Battle System:

Battle is initiated when a piece moves onto a square occupied by the enemy.

Generally, this means 2 pieces, one from each side, entering battle.

In the event of 3 or more pieces being on the same square, and the supporting

pieces are valid (valid combination of attacker/defender, attacker/medic etc.), then all

the valid pieces enter battle.

Turn­based battle:

Each side takes turns specifying an attack, each attack reduces the enemy piece’s

HP. If the other side has 2 pieces, you can only damage one piece. Battle ends

when one side has been defeated (HP reaches 0 for all pieces on that side). Those

pieces die and are removed from the game.

How to win (End of Game):

The leader of the other team dies. This could mean the entire team being killed.


Might be too easy to wipe out pieces in battle – should be able to summon the medic

if needed? Or summon another piece?

When you defeat a piece in battle should you gain the piece? Rather than it being

removed from the game entirely. Of course if a human beats an alien the human will

gain another human piece not an alien piece. This will make the game last longer –

can use more strategy.

Long­range attacker maybe can initiate battle from 3 squares away (otherwise what’s

the point of having it?)

Make it so medics and defenders can’t initiate battle? Since they would just keep

healing/defending themselves anyway, unless they use the simple attack they were

given...? But of course an enemy can initiate battle with them.