Internet of Things Assignment 2

Peter Moorhead s3602584, Taylor Cairns s3603013, Timothy Dalzotto s3603837, Joel Liang Shien Tan s3758729

Car Rental Service

This repo aims to solve the assignment 3 of Internet of Things describing a car rental system hosted on a raspberry pi and accessed through a combination of a Flask webapp and API. Users will be able to register an account and login. Search Cars available for hire Make bookings and link their google calendar to tell them when they have their car Cancel existing bookings if need be Use Camera to read Qr BarCodes to retreive Engineers Profile Use Voice Recognition for Admin to Search Specific Cars PushBullet to send Notifications to engineers Bluetooth to find nearby devices and match MAC address to database of Known MAC addresses


  • Username: admin1, Password: admin1
  • Username: Engineer1, Password: Engineer1
  • Username: Manager1, Password: Manager1

clone repo copy to same level as repo folder copy credentials.json to same level as repo folder copy token.pickle to same level as repo folder copy requirements.txt to same level as repo folder

python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
(venv) pip install -r requirements.txt
(venv) export FLASK_APP=IoTAssignment2
(venv) pip install -e .
(venv) flask run --host=

Trello usage


Github usage

Trello Trello Trello


move the to the level above the project folder and run python3

Task allocation

under file Task_Allocation you will find who was responsible for which features