
Automate customized tasks unique to my workflow.

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Write JavaScript Actions

Write your own GitHub JavaScript Action and automate customized tasks unique to your workflow.

Step 2: Configure Your Action

Let's keep going! 🚲


Now that we have the custom action pre-requisites, let us create joke-action action.

⌨️ Activity 1: Configure Your Action

All of the following steps take place inside of the .github/actions/joke-action directory.

We will start with using the parameters that are required and later implement some optional parameters as our action evolves.

  1. Create a new file in: .github/actions/joke-action/action.yml

  2. Add the following contents to the .github/actions/joke-action/action.yml file:

    name: "my joke action"
    description: "use an external API to retrieve and display a joke"
      using: "node16"
      main: "main.js"
  3. Save the action.yml file

  4. Commit the changes and push them to the main branch:

    git add action.yml
    git commit -m 'create action.yml'
    git pull
    git push
  5. Wait about 20 seconds then refresh this page (the one you're following instructions from). GitHub Actions will automatically update to the next step.

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