------------------- UPDATE (12/08/11): ------------------- Executables are working! To execute the file, first navigate to either the 32bit folder of the 64bit folder. Then click GUI_Manipulator_[Your OS] It should work automatically from there. If you need to update the main program: - In Eclipse, go to File > Export - Click Java, then Runnable jar file - Make sure the main class is GUI_3D - the destination should be Java3D\Java3Dthing.jar - Check "package required libraries..." - Then hit finish It will create a new Java3Dthing.jar. Copy that into both 32bit and 64bit folders. ------------------- UPDATE (11/29/11): ------------------- - Rotate panel is now fully functional ------------------- UPDATE (11/27/11): ------------------- - Changed sphere class structure to more closely resemble other shapes - Spheres are now fully functional (where before they could not be moved or resized) - Added aCylinder class (Functionality exists, but it does not show up) - Refactored the code for the Square Prism, Triangular Prism, Hexagonal Prism, and the Square Pyramid. (Do we have a Triangular Pyramid?) ------------------- UPDATE (11/26/11): ------------------- - Resize panel is now fully functional - Fixed the bug from the previous update in which the shape returned to the center of the canvas when resized - One thing that still needs to be done: Ideally, the height, width, and depth spinners should display the selected shape's current size (ie: clicking on a different shape should set the spinners to THAT SHAPE's current size, rather than having them remain at the last numbers that were set) ------------------- UPDATE (11/25/11): ------------------- - All shapes are assigned a unique name at creation (numbered, starting with 0) - Shapes can now be repositioned on the canvas by left-click dragging - Shapes can be deleted from the canvas by clicking on the shape and hitting the delete key (whatever shape was last clicked on will be affected by the delete key-- that shape remains "selected" until a different shape is clicked on) - The zoom slider on the GUI is now fully functional - Temporary: A shape will grow in size by 50% (one time) if clicked on. This is just to test out the resizing ability and should not remain in the final version. There is also a bug where the shape will return to the center of the canvas when it is resized. This needs to be fixed. _______________________________________________________________ Java3D Setup: www.cs.utexas.edu/~scottm/cs324e/handouts/setUpJava3dEclipse.htm Download Link for Java3D http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javasebusiness/downloads/java-archive-downloads-java-client-419417.html#java3d-1.5.1-oth-JPR