
Convert a Hacker News discussion thread into Emacs' Org mode.

Primary LanguagePerl



This is a script that fetches a discussion thread from Hacker News using its API, and converts it to Org mode for convenient reading from Emacs.

NOTE: This is a “first draft”, and it can be slow due to inefficient sequential network calls; this should be improved.

Patches welcome! Or better yet, rewrite it in your favorite language.


For example, given this URL:


run this command in your terminal:

$ hn2org 'https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10879529' > /path/to/file.org

Now you can open up file.org in Emacs, and enjoy reading HN comments with per-thread folding and unfolding. In particular, reading deeply nested subthreads is much easier than on the website.


  • Perl version 5.16 or higher
  • The JSON module (available from CPAN)


This code is available under the same license as Perl 5.