Find and/or replace mailing addresses in strings.
require 'rubygems'
require 'address_extractor'
string = <<EOF
Please send the package to 123 Foo St., Someplace FL
My phone number is 123-1234 and St. Marc of Israel can be reached
via mail at:
123 Goob Avenue
Apt 123
Nice Town CA 123456
# Find first address
AddressExtractor.first_address(string) # => { :street1 => "123 Foo St.", :city => "Someplace", :state => "FL" }
# Find all addresses
AddressExtractor.find_addresses(string) # =>
# [
# { :street1 => "123 Foo St.", :city => "Someplace", :state => "FL" }
# { :street1 => "123 Goob Avenue.", :street2 => "Apt 123", :city => "Nice Town", :state => "CA", :zip => "123456" }
# ]
# Do a gsub on first address
new_string = AddressExtractor.replace_first_address(string) do |address_hash, address_string|
# Do a gsub on all addresses
new_string = AddressExtractor.replace_addresses(string) do |address_hash, address_string|
Written by Jim Garvin (coderifous) at RubyConf ’08 at the request of Chris Murphy (chmurph2) and Ryan McGeary (rmm5t) so they could use it in their awesome invitation and survey app.
You can use it, too.
The address-finding regex may be a bit naive, I’ll gladly accept pull requests that add to the test data and tests.