
A list of researchers focused on software developer diversity and inclusion (SDDI).

Software Developer Diversity and Inclusion (SDDI) Researchers

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Paige Rodeghero, PhD (Clemson University) (Autism and SE, Remote/Hybrid work, Productivity).
Bianca Trinkenreich (Northern Arizona University) (Women in SE and OSS).
Alexander Serebrenik, PhD (Eindhoven University of Technology) (gender, age, LGBTIQ+, country).
Anita Sarma, PhD (Oregon State University) (How humans think, Diveristy & Inclusion, OSS).
Ann Barcomb, PhD (University of Calgary) (Free/Libre/Open Source software, interested in ageism, inclusion).
Amiangshu Bosu, PhD (Wayne State University) (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Biases).
Sayma Sultana, Wayne [State University] (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Biases).
Grischa Liebel, PhD (Reykjavik Uni, Iceland) (Gender and neurodiversity in education, remote collaboration in software design).
Igor Steinmacher, PhD (UTFPR, Brazil) (Diversity and Inclusion in OSS, Newcomer contributor experience).
Kelly Blincoe, PhD (University of Auckland) (gender, Diversity and Inclusion, OSS). [Camila Sarmento, PhD student] (camilasarmento@copin.ufcg.edu.br) (Federal University of Campina Grande) (diversity, country, gender)