The goal of this repository is to collect in one place the open-sourcd macroeconomic models, in particular (but not limited to) those used by central banks, ministries of finance and other offical sector agencies.
If you know a model that is not listed here, please open up a pull request here. PRs for corrections are also very welcome.
The table below lists models that were open sourced by official sector entities themselves.
Jurisdiction | Institution | Model name | Model type | Link to code | Programming language | License | About |
Denmark | Ministry of Finance | MAKRO | Deterministic perfect forecast model | | GAMS | MIT License | |
Germany | Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action | Production function methodology | | EViews | Same as for the website | | |
Euro Area | European Central Bank (ECB) | Bayesian Estimation, Analysis and Regression toolbox (BEAR) | Bayesian vector autoregression (VAR) | | Matlab | Custom end-user license agreement | |
USA | Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) | Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) | | Julia | BSD-3-Clause License | Blog post | |
USA | Federal Reserve Board | FRB/US | Large-scale, general equilibrium model | | EViews | Same as for the website | |
USA | Federal Reserve Board | Estimated Dynamic Optimization (EDO) Model | DSGE | | Matlab/Octave + Dynare | Same as for the website | |
Below are other resources that are worth consulting for their wealth of model code.
- Repository of multiple macroeconomic models designed to enable systematic model comparison.
- The site contains an online comparison tool, in which you can choose amongst many different models (all well-categorised for ease of reference) and compare their outcome in terms of impulse response functions, etc for given shocks.
- Repository of multiple academic macroeconomic models
- Material demonstrating very clearly Bayesian econometric tools that are often employed for macroeconomic models, namely:
- Bayesian vector autorregressions (VAR),
- VAR with time-varying parameters, and
- dynamic factor models