
Primary LanguagePython


This script allows interaction with various smart contracts on the blockchain, performing actions such as:

  • Requesting tokens from a faucet (faucet)
  • Swapping tokens (swap)
  • Staking tokens (stake)
  • Check-in (check-in)
  • Interacting with a prediction market (prediction)
  • Creating NFT tokens (RWA)


  • Python 3.10+
  • The following Python packages:
    • web3==6.2.0
    • pandas==1.5.3
    • numpy==1.26.4
    • requests==2.31.1
    • openpyxl==3.0.10


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/rmndkyl/plummm.git
    cd plummm
  2. Create and activate a virtual environment:

    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows use `venv\Scripts\activate`
  3. Install the required packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Account Data:
    • Prepare a file accounts_data.xlsx with your private keys and proxies. The script will read this file to obtain the necessary keys and proxy addresses.
Private Key Proxy Address
YourPrivateKey1 username:password@proxyserver:port
YourPrivateKey2 username:password@proxyserver:port
  1. Configuring config.py
  • Fill in the config.py file with the following parameters:

    • module_delay_min: minimum delay between module executions (in seconds)
    • module_delay_max: maximum delay between module executions (in seconds)
    • wallet_delay_min: minimum delay between wallets (in seconds)
    • wallet_delay_max: maximum delay between wallets (in seconds)
    • gas_limit: gas limit for transactions
    • gas_price: gas price for transactions
    • STRICT_ORDER_MODULES: list of modules to be executed in a strict order
    • RANDOM_ORDER_MODULES: list of modules to be executed in a random order


Run the script and follow the menu instructions to select the module you want to execute.

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