This is a repository for a multiple device for a Stalker-RFM project
Photos about the project:
Main goal was buid a long range localizator based on RadioFrequiency signal strength, to make a Stalker Echo detector replica, which actually can search for anomalies with a (With a reciever module) for an Airsoft LARP.
Within this project we have created 3 working device:
- Stalker Echo detector
- Plant anomaly
- Bomb anomaly
The echo detector can detect signals streght from the Plant & bomb over 100m (originally expectation was 1km in the forest, but we are not able the achive this distance) Echo detector can show the signal strength on the olded display and/or can show the strentgh based on flashes
Stalker Project Echo - Bomb Demo [Video]
Stalker Project Echo - Detector Demo [Video]
Main wiring:
Main HW's
- RFM module: RFM69HW MCU:
- Echo and bomb: Nodemcu Esp32
- Plant: Bluepill (CKS32F103-MS)
Echo detector features:
- Can detect and show 433mh signals strenght from the plant, and bomb.
- Battery powered, and can charge via USB-C
- OTA flash
- Feedback for singal recivering: Buzzer, LED, Oled
- Buttons to configure RFM parameters
- Battery Display
Bomb features:
- Normally sending 433mh signals
- 4x18650 battery and Battery display
- Radio active noise making with a buzzer
- ARGB leds for flashing, and fading
- Acceleromter
- Accelerometer can activate the bomb --> flashing and counter can start (cannot be explode)
- Once's activated it can deactivate with a deactivation process based on multiple deactiavtion sheet.
Plant Feature:
- Normally sending 433mh signals
- 18650 battery and Battery display
- Led
Main Folders:
- Stalker-RFM\VisualStudioCodes\StalkerEchoDetector
- VisualStudioCodes\StalkerFAB-100_Bomb
- VisualStudioCodes\STM32_AnomalyModule
The rest of them is just experimatal code for different micros or usefull code, which i wanted to save:
- Brain-RFM69HW-Reciever-WIP
- Brain-RFM69HW-Sender-WIP
- RFM_LowPowerLab_Bluepill_Sender
- RFM_LowPowerLab_ESP32_Reciever
- RFM_LowPowerLab_ESP32_Sender
- WaterLevelDetector
Stalker Project Echo - Infiltrated
Stalker Project Echo - The rescure team