Mes Petits Sondages

Application architecture

The application is composed of:

  • fr.ensibs.sondages package: Contains the application launcher

  • fr.ensibs.sondages.sounder package: Represents the Sounder part who can ask a question

  • fr.ensibs.sondages.questions package: Represents the Answerer part that manages Question and Answer

  • fr.ensibs.sondages.analyzer package: Represents the Analyzer part producing Report

  • fr.ensibs.joram package: Provides helpful classes to use Joram

Build and execution

The application is distributed as a Maven project, composed of a src/ directory that contains the java sources and a pom.xml file that contains the Maven project description

Project build

To build the project:

mvn install

Application execution

To launch the application:

java -jar target/sondages-1.0.jar (sounder|answerer|analyzer) [args]
  • To launch the sounder : java -jar target/sondages-1.0.jar sounder <jms_server_host> <jms_server_port>

  • To launch the answerer : java -jar target/sondages-1.0.jar answerer <js_server_host> <js_server_port> <jms_server_host> <jms_server_port>

  • To launch the analyzer : java -jar target/sondages-1.0.jar analyzer <js_server_host> <js_server_port> <jms_server_host> <jms_server_port>