
Mining clickstream data to predict if a visitor will view another page or leave the website.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Clickstream Mining with Decision Trees

The project is based on a task posed in KDD Cup 2000. It involves mining click-stream data collected from Gazelle.com, which sells legware products. The task is to determine: Given a set of page views, will the visitor view another page on the site or will he leave?
The data set has discretized numerical values obtained by partitioning them into 5 intervals of equal frequency. This way, we get a data set where for each feature, we have a finite set of values. These values are mapped to integers, so that the data is easier to handle.

Implementation details

Implemented the ID3 algorithm for Decision Trees with Chi Square stopping criteria. The code structure is very similar to scipy's classification models with similar methods like model.fit(), model.save() and model.predict().


Run the following command to create a decision tree for the given dataset.

python q1_classifier.py -p 0.01 -f1 train.csv -f2 test.csv -o output.csv -t tree.pkl

The above code prints the number of leaf nodes and the number of internal nodes created in the tree along with the prediction accuracy. The decision tree is saved in tree.pkl pickle dump file while the predictions are stored in the output.csv file in the working directory. The accuracy can also be printed for a given tree.pkl and output.csv file using the autograder_basic.py script as:

python autograder_basic.py


The accuracy, number of internal nodes and number of leaf nodes for different p values (significance values) are reported in the table below.

P Value Accuracy # Internal Nodes # Leaf Nodes
0.01 0.75216 26 105
0.05 0.75324 35 141
1.00 0.74736 187 749

As observed from the table, the accuracy is maximum for p value 0.05 at 0.75324. The p value is the chi-squared stopping criteria for the decision tree which means if the p value is smaller, the decision tree generation will be stopped earlier. Hence, as the p value increases the number of internal nodes and the number of leaf nodes in the decision tree also increases and at p value 1, the entire decision tree is generated without pruning. This results in over-fitting which leads to memorization of the training examples by the decision tree. As a result, the model performs extremely well on the training dataset, but has a poor accuracy on the testing dataset with increasing p values. With lower p value, the tree is pruned extremely early which results in under-fitting and lower accuracy. To better generalize the model, we need to prune the tree so that it neither overfits nor underfits the training data. This is done by having p value 0.05 which improves the performance of the decision tree. The resulting decision tree is also smaller in size consuming less space.