The goal of the project is to make a smart baby monitor.
Install the Arduino IDE: sudo apt-get install arduino
Install the Ino Tool: git clone git://
sudo easy_install ino
The structure of the tool and how the tool works can be found at This resource is invaluable and will describe the structure of how the tool works.
Do make install to perform installation under /pi/home
Make sure that the Ino Tool is installed within the $PATH
Install the NeoPixel Library:
Install the Library from
Extract the Library and rename it from Adafruit_NeoPixel-master to Adafruit_NeoPixel
Place the Library where your ino project is installed and in the /lib/ folder and rename the library from
TODO: Write usage instructions
Raspberry Pi 3 DC motor with L298N controller 12V power adapter PS3 USB Webcam Computer speakers 2.5 amp power supply 4 Neopixel LED rings Arduino Uno
0.1 - All code and submodules are listed for others to use.
Aaron Downing - Physical aspect of this project.
Greg Oij - Idea man, adviser, and customer. Thank you for all your help!
TODO: Write license