Instructions ------------ 1. Install mtuq within a conda virtual environment as follows 2 Within the same virtual environment install mtbench >> cd mtbench/ >> pip install -e . 3. Download waveform data >> bash WAVEFORMS/download.bash 4. Run scripts >> cd scripts/ >> python run_Silwal2016_syngine >> python run_Alvizuri2018_syngine 5. Optionally, compare your results with the expected output Notes ----- - AxiSEM and FK scripts closely reproduce published figures, but require local Green's function databases (available at University of Alaska Fairbanks) - Since AK135F is used in place of regional velocity models, syngine scripts do NOT closely reproduce published figures - syngine scripts download Green's functions from a remote server, which can take a very long time. Afterward, Green's functions are locally cached, so any subsequent runs will be much faster. References ---------- [`Alvizuri2018`] C. Alvizuri and C. Tape (2018), Full Moment Tensor Analysis of Nuclear Explosions in North Korea, SRL, [`Silwal2016`] V. Silwal and C. Tape (2016), Seismic moment tensors and estimated uncertainties in southern Alaska, JGR,