WARNING: This program works (for me), but part of its operation is deleting files from disk. DELETING FILES FROM DISK! Don't use it unless you know what you're doing. Moirai ------ With this program you can set a "shelf life" for files: When a file hasn't been modified (mtime) for a specified time, it is deleted. Klotho and Pieria ----------------- With these two programs you can set the shelf lives of emails in a maildir through Mutt. Actually their principle of working can be generalised to work around a serious (to me) problem in Mutt: you cannot execute an external command on the currently selected email. One could also use Mutt-Guile to do that, but I am not sure of that project's status. And after all: Who uses Mutt anymore? Themis ------ This little scripts extracts the Date: fields from emails and adjusts the mtimes accordingly. Maildir only, of course. Note ---- This is just a quick hack. I hope to have the time to make a proper package of this, but that may as well be never. However, if you send me and email and kindly ask for a package, I might create one in relatively short time.