
cite name of the model as: "WAM-2layers v2.x.xx"

Primary LanguagePython


Main developer of the code Ruud van der Ent (r.j.vanderent@uu.nl). Please let me know when you intend to use this code for research, 
I might be able to offer some kind of support if it is in my interest as well, but I cannot guarantee to do any kind of troubleshooting for free
as I have to work on my own projects as well.

The file "Readme WAM2 - not fully up-to-date.pdf" was written by Tolga Cömert and Niek van de Koppel and provides a general guideline, 
but as the name says is not fully up-to-date with the latest changes from v2.4.01 onward. One thing to clarify is that I consider the definitions:
"get_Sa_track_forward'_TIME'", "get_Sa_track_backward'_TIME'" within the "Masterscripts" to be the CORE module of "WAM-2layers". Everything else is 
either pre-processing or post-processing and merely provided here as an example for the user of the CORE module of "WAM-2layers". Another point I need to make is a warning for using the model near the poles (above 80deg N or below 80deg S) on a regular lat-lon grid
as this could lead to a violation of the Courant-criterion and lead to unphysical results. 
In general one must be aware that using the model on smaller grids may need smaller timesteps than those that are currently in the code. 

Released under the GNU General Public License. Please cite this Github and 
"Van der Ent, R. J. (2014), A new view on the hydrological cycle over continents, Ph.D. thesis, 96 pp, Delft University of Technology, Delft. 

- user list added (please feel free to contribute!)

WAM-2layers v2.4.08 | 15-7-2016
- Better datapath structure (thanks to Bert Coerver)
- changed back the latnrs to 7,114, otherwise lakemask does not correspond
- added warnings in readme

WAM-2layers v2.4.07 | 7-7-2016
- added the Hor_fluxes_output file
- small changes to the example plotting files

WAM-2layers v2.4.06 | 6-7-2016
- solve another bug in backward time tracking
- more accurate area size calculation

WAM-2layers v2.4.05 | 5-7-2016
- solve bug in backward time tracking
- fix the area size of the gridcells at 90deg latitude in getconstants

WAM-2layers v2.4.04
- added the backtracking scripts. 
- The way time-output is analysed may still contain some bugs compared to the Matlab version. Will be updated in future release

WAM-2layers v2.4.03 | 28-6-2016
- added another 'verify_compressed_data_integrity=False' statement. Without, one could encounter errors

WAM-2layers v2.4.02 | 28-6-2016
- fixed a small bug to "lake_mask" so that lakes are identified correctly

WAM-2layers v2.4.01 | 24-6-2016
- Python version of the model with credits to Tolga Cömert and Niek van de Koppel
- forward tracking only, backward tracking will follow soon
- structure of the code is clearer, datapaths and input need to be provided at the top of the scripts and output will follow automatically

WAM-2layers v2.4.00 - non-released version
- Python/Jupyter version of the model by Tolga Cömert and Niek van de Koppel

WAM-2layers v2.3.03 - non-released version
- changed leapyear function to isleap

WAM-2layers v2.3.02 | 2014: latest distributed Matlab version
- changed non problematic mistype in Con_P_Recyc_Output_2layers_sigma.m

WAM-2layers v2.3.01
- Included timetracking (beta)
- Improved alignment of 'end' in a 'for-loop' in the 'Output' files.
- Small improvements in the comment lines

WAM-2layers v2.2.0.1
- Major bugfix in getwind_2layers_sigma.m

List of papers that use WAM-2layers or earlier versions of the WAM:

Please see:

"Van der Ent, R. J. (2014), A new view on the hydrological cycle over continents, Ph.D. thesis, 96 pp, Delft University of Technology, Delft. 

"Keys, P. W. (2016), The Precipitationshed – Methods, Concepts, and Applications, Ph.D. thesis, Stockholm University, Stockholm.

and the references therein