Python Truss problem solving software
Returns values of DISPLACEMENTS, ELEMENT_STRAINS, ELEMENT_STRESSES and REACTION_FORCES -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile>
<node_index> <x_coor> <y_coor>
<index> <group_index> <element_type>
<element_index> <index_node1> <index_node2>
<material_value_1> <material_value_2> <material_value_3>
<node_index> <freedom_degree>
<node_index> <freedom_degree> <load>
For MATERIALS and GEOMETRIC_PROPERTIES the program accepts 'E' as in '2E-4'. Converting it into: '2 * 10⁻⁴'.
<material_value_1> <material_value_2> <material_value_3>, specification will come soon;
<freedom_degree> is indicated by either 1 or 2 representing x and y respectively;
The application still doesn't implement different ELEMENT_GROUPS;
This software was developed as part of a Solid Mechanics Discipline assignment
@ Insper - 2017 - Computer Engineering class
And It's under GPLv3 License!