This project is designed to manage events and users with a robust backend using Node.js, Prisma ORM, and a PostgreSQL database. It provides functionality to create, update, and retrieve users and events, ensuring comprehensive logging and validation. The project also supports unit and integration testing with Jest.
- Node.js (version 16 or higher recommended)
- npm (Node Package Manager)
- Docker (for running the database)
- Prisma CLI (bundled with the project dependencies)
Follow these steps to get the project up and running:
Run the following command to install all required dependencies:
npm install
Use Docker Compose to start the PostgreSQL database:
docker-compose up -d
Run Prisma migrations to set up the database schema:
npx prisma migrate dev
Run the application in development mode:
npm run dev
To execute the test suite:
npm test
npm run test:coverage
Seed data has not been implemented for this project. The process is considered simple enough, and manually registering data allows for better validation of the system's behavior during testing and observation.
Event Management: Create and manage events tied to users. User Management: Handle user creation and retrieval with validation.