
nrf52 saadc example, uses one channel with 14bit resolution. It also includes the conversion of the saadc values to voltage.

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A simplified version of the saadc example in the nrf5 SDK. In this example the Saadc is set to sample 10 times at 100 ms each, with 14bit as a resolution.

The Analog voltage can be read using this equation :


(m=0) if CONFIG.MODE=SE, or (m=1) if CONFIG.MODE=Diff.


nRF5_SDK version supported :

Versions starting from v15.3.

Supported Development kits :

  • The nRF52-DK (PCA10040).
  • The nRF52840-DK (PCA10056).
  • The nRF52833-DK (PCA10100).

Toolchain :


How to test :

  1. Clone or download the repository into the $nRF5_SDK_Location\examples\peripheral\ folder.

  2. You can use a potentiometer to test it. The example is set to use the analog pin AIN1 (P0.03).

The middle pin of the potentiometer should be connected to the analog pin, and the other pins to vdd and gnd.

Note: Do not connect the potentiomter to the 5V pin instead of the VDD pin. the maximum supported voltage on the analog pins is VDD. Connecting it directly to 5V may damage the SOC.

  1. Open your prefered Terminal emulator.

Analog inputs :

Analog Input GPIO
AIN0 P0.02
AIN1 P0.03
AIN2 P0.04
AIN3 P0.05
AIN4 P0.28
AIN5 P0.29
AIN6 P0.30
AIN7 P0.31