
bypass 403 with ffuf, curl and bash

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Scanner for directory/path which has status code 403 and test for possible 403 Bypass

InstllationUsageHow to run effectively

INSIDE403 is a simple shell script to find web directories or file which has 403 status code and try to bypass it. This tools has 2 modes

  1. URL Bypass
  2. URL List

In URL List mode, first of all, this tool finds paths/files which has 403 status code and after that, it tries to bypass it with different payloads.

Install INSIDE403

INSIDE403 requires FFUF.
Also this tool will consider following wordlist as default wordlist.

Default Worslist at :- /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt

For complete installation, run following command

  git clone https://github.com/thecyberneh/inside403.git
  cd inside403
  bash installer.sh


inside403 -h

This will display help for the tool. Here are all the switches it supports.

   INSIDE403 is a Scanner for directory/path which has status code 403 and test for possible 403 Bypass
   and try to bypass it.

   inside403 [flags]

       -l, --list       target URLs/hosts to scan
       -u, --url        Target URL+Directory to Scan, Single URL

       -w, --wordlist    path of your wordlist

   Try to bypass 403 on directory:- 403here
       inside403 -u https://sub.domain.tld/403here 

   Try to find directories with 403 from URL list
   with wordlist located at:- /path/to/wordlist.txt
       inside403 -l httpxResults.txt -w /path/to/wordlist.txt 
   You can use results from HTTPX tool as URL list

   Run tool with default wordlist
       Default wordlist at:- /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt
       inside403 -l httpxResults.txt 
       -h, --help    to get help menu 

Running inside403

Scan single URL+403direcotry with inside403 (here path "403here" has status code 403)

 inside403 -u https://sub.domain.tld/403here/
 inside403 -u https://my.domain.com/admin.php

You can use this tool on output of HTTPX tool for automation :)

inside403 -l httpxResults.txt

You can also provide your own wordlist of 403 possible paths with -w or --wordlist flag

inside403 -l httpxResults.txt -w /path/to/mywordlist.txt