This program controls our VEX EDR robot, 14683C, in 2019-2020 VEX Robotics Competition Tower Takeover. The code is written of C++, and the IDE is the Vexcode application from VEX company. Our robot ultimatedly went to the fourth rank in Formosa VEX Tower Takeover 2019.
- Even though the program isn't fully completed, it is flexible enough to put any new feature based on the original construction.
- Using sensors to avoid serious robot collision, but I haven't done it. You may write it in the 'emergency.cpp' file.
- As the program uses module styling, it is easy to customize autonomous script by scripting style.
- Using one code to print massages on the screen, and the screen will automatically scroll down to show up overflow info.
- The program has designed a inspection period so that you may write your own inspection code to check the availability of each motor and sensor.
- robot-config.cpp - port settings
- main.cpp - the main program to control the bot
- modules/
- chassis.cpp - the module to control the wheels
- cubeHolder.cpp - the module to control the cube holder
- cubeIntaker.cpp - the module to control the cube intaker
- joystick.cpp - the module to control the display of joystick
- visions.cpp - empty template
- services/
- autonScript.cpp - the module to let player choosing specific running script for autonomous period
- emergency.cpp - empty template(suppose to detect the axises of the robot, avoding collision)
- inspection.cpp - empty template(suppose to inspect all the sensors an motor to make sure everything works)
- utilities/
- display.cpp - a module to print messages on the screen like a console
- log.cpp - empty template(suppose to log info. into a SD card for debugging)
- pid.cpp - a module to run PID controlling
- utility.cpp - string manipulation tools