
Example repo with Bazel building gRPC services

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Example Bazel project


This project demonstrates how to define a simple gRPC service and then implement the client and server, both initially in go. This project uses go modules to manage packages.

Project structure

The project is laid out in the following fashion:

  • api/echo/v1 contains the service specification and the file to build the go implementation
  • svc/echo contains the service implementation
  • svc/echo/cmd/echod contains a basic go daemon that satisfies the echo contract
  • svc/echo/cmd/echocli contains a basic go client of the echo service

Field validation

The project extends the proto specification to include definitions of what constitutes valid data for each field. It pulls in the proto validation framework created by the Envoy project.


The daemon can be run from a command line by executing: # bazel run //svc/echo/cmd/echod:echod

The client can be run from a command line, once the daemon is running, by executing # bazel run //svc/echo/cmd/echocli:echocli -- -input "teststr"

A couple notes:

  • the -- delineates arguments being supplied to Bazel from arguments being supplied to the program
  • the input string supported by the API is pretty limited (see the regex in echo_service.proto). Play around with different input values to see what passes and what fails.