
CloudBoost SDK for JavaScript and NodeJS apps.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status npm version Bower version

This is the JavaScript and NodeJS SDK for CloudBoost. It is available both on NPM and Bower. If you want to have a look into documentation, you can check them out here : https://tutorials.cloudboost.io and API reference is available here : https://docs.cloudboost.io

NPM Installation

npm install cloudboost

NodeJS Usage

var CB = require('cloudboost');

Bower Installation

bower install cloudboost

JavaScript Usage

<script src="bower_components/cloudboost/dist/cloudboost.js"></script>

Module Bundlers

// For ES6/ES7 , TypeScript(typings included)
import * as CB from 'cloudboost';

//For ES5 (requireJs)
var CB = require('cloudboost');

Sample Code

// AppID and AppKey are your App ID and key of the application created in CloudBoost Dashboard.

//Init your Application

//Data Storage : Create a CloudObject of type 'Custom' (Note: You need to create a table 'Custom' on CloudBoost Dashboard)

var obj = new CB.CloudObject('Custom');

//Set the property 'name' (Note: Create a column 'name' of type text on CloudBoost Dashboard)

//Save the object
        console.log("object saved successfully");
        console.log("error while saving object");

Getting Started and Tutorials

Visit Getting Started for tutorial and quickstart guide.

API Reference

Visit CloudBoost Docs for API Reference.