
Helm-like configuration values loader with support for various sources

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Helm-like configuration "Values" loader with support for various backends including:

  • Vault
  • AWS SSM Parameter Store
  • AWS Secrets Manager
  • SOPS-encrypted files
  • Terraform outputs(Coming soon)
  • CredHub(Coming soon)



vals is a Helm-like configuration "Values" loader with support for various sources and merge strategies

  vals [command]

Available Commands:
  eval		Evaluate a JSON/YAML document and replace any template expressions in it and prints the result
  flatten	Loads a vals template and replaces every instances of custom types to plain $ref's
  ksdecode	Decode YAML document(s) by converting Secret resources' "data" to "stringData" for use with "vals eval"

Use "vals [command] --help" for more infomation about a command

vals -t yaml -e <YAML> takes any valid YAML and evaluates JSO Reference.

vals has its own provider which can be reffered with a URI scheme looks vals+<TYPE>.

For this example, use the Vault provider.

Let's start by writing some secret value to Vault:

$ vault write mykv/foo mykey=myvalue

Now input the template of your YAML and refer to vals' Vault provider by using vals+vault in the URI scheme:

$ vals eval -e '
foo: ref+vault://
  baz: ref+vault://

Voila! vals, replacing every reference to your secret value in Vault, produces the output looks like:

foo: FOO
  baz: FOO

Which is equivalent to that of the following shell script:

VAULT_TOKEN=yourtoken  VAULT_ADDR= cat <<EOF
foo: $(vault read mykv/foo -o json | jq -r .mykey)
    baz: $(vault read mykv/foo -o json | jq -r .mykey)

Save the YAML content to x.vals.yaml and running vals eval -f x.vals.yaml does produce output equivalent to the previous one:

foo: FOO
  baz: FOO


Use value references as Helm Chart values, so that you can feed the helm template output to vals -f - for transforming the refs to secrets.

$ helm template mysql-1.3.2.tgz --set mysqlPassword='ref+vault://' | vals ksdecode -o yaml -f - | tee manifests.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
    app: release-name-mysql
    chart: mysql-1.3.2
    heritage: Tiller
    release: release-name
  name: release-name-mysql
  namespace: default
  mysql-password: refs+vault://
  mysql-root-password: vZQmqdGw3z
type: Opaque

This manifest is safe to be committed into your version-control system(GitOps!) as it doesn't contain actual secrets.

When you finally deploy the manifests, run vals eval to replace all the refs to actual secrets:

$ cat manifests.yaml | ~/p/values/bin/vals eval -f - | tee all.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
        app: release-name-mysql
        chart: mysql-1.3.2
        heritage: Tiller
        release: release-name
    name: release-name-mysql
    namespace: default
    mysql-password: myvalue
    mysql-root-password: 0A8V1SER9t
type: Opaque

Finally run kubectl apply to apply manifests:

$ kubectl apply -f all.yaml

This gives you a solid foundation for building a secure CD system as you need to allow access to a secrets store like Vault only from servers or containers that pulls safe manifests and runs deployments.

In other words, you can safely omit access from the CI to the secrets store.


import "github.com/variantdev/vals"

secretsToCache := 256 // how many secrets to keep in LRU cache
runtime, err := vals.New(secretsToCache)
if err != nil {
  return nil, err

valsRendered, err := runtime.Eval(map[string]interface{}{
    "inline": map[string]interface{}{
        "foo": "ref+vault://",
        "bar": map[string]interface{}{
            "baz": "ref+vault://",

Now, vals contains a map[string]interface{} representation of the below:

cat <<EOF
foo: $(vault read mykv/foo -o json | jq -r .mykey)
    baz: $(vault read mykv/foo -o json | jq -r .mykey)

Suported Backends

  • Vault
  • AWS SSM Parameter Store
  • AWS Secrets Manager
  • SOPS

Please see pkg/providers for the implementations of all the providers. The package names corresponds to the URI schemes.


  • ref+vault://PATH/TO/KVBACKEND[?address=VAULT_ADDR:PORT&token_file=PATH/TO/FILE&token_env=VAULT_TOKEN]#/fieldkey
  • ref+vault://PATH/TO/KVBACKEND[?address=VAULT_ADDR:PORT&token_file=PATH/TO/FILE&token_env=VAULT_TOKEN]#/fieldkey

adddress defaults to the value of the VAULT_ADDR envvar.


  • ref+vault://mykv/foo#/bar?address=https://vault1.example.com:8200 reads the value for the field bar in the kv foo on Vault listening on https://vault1.example.com with the Vault token read from the envvar VAULT_TOKEN, or the file ~/.vault_token when the envvar is not set
  • ref+vault://mykv/foo#/bar?token_env=VAULT_TOKEN_VAULT1&address=https://vault1.example.com:8200 reads the value for the field bar in the kv foo on Vault listening on https://vault1.example.com with the Vault token read from the envvar VAULT_TOKEN_VAULT1
  • ref+vault://mykv/foo#/bar?token_file=~/.vault_token_vault1&address=https://vault1.example.com:8200 reads the value for the field bar in the kv foo on Vault listening on https://vault1.example.com with the Vault token read from the file ~/.vault_token_vault1

AWS SSM Parameter Store

  • ref+awsssm://PATH/TO/PARAM[?region=REGION]
  • ref+awsssm://PREFIX/TO/PARAMS[?region=REGION]#/PATH/TO/PARAM

In the latter case, vals uses GetParametersByPath(/PREFIX/TO/PARAMS) caches the result per prefix rather than each single path to reduce number of API calls


  • ref+awsssm://myteam/mykey
  • ref+awsssm://myteam/mydoc#/foo/bar
  • ref+awsssm://myteam/mykey?region=us-west-2

AWS Secrets Manager

  • ref+awssec://PATH/TO/SECRET[?region=REGION&version_stage=STAGE&version_id=ID]
  • ref+awssec://PATH/TO/SECRET[?region=REGION&version_stage=STAGE&version_id=ID]#/yaml_or_json_key/in/secret


  • ref+awssec://myteam/mykey
  • ref+awssec://myteam/mydoc#/foo/bar
  • ref+awssec://myteam/mykey?region=us-west-2


  • The whole content of a SOPS-encrypted file: ref+sops://base64_data_or_path_to_file?key_type=[filepath|base64]&format=[binary|dotenv|yaml]
  • The value for the specific path in an encrypted YAML/JSON document: ref+sops://base64_data_or_path_to_file#/json_or_yaml_key/in/the_encrypted_doc


  • ref+sops://path/to/file reads path/to/file as binary input
  • ref+sops://<base64>?key_type=base64 reads <base64> as the base64-encoded data to be decrypted by sops as binary
  • ref+sops://path/to/file#/foo/bar reads path/to/file as a yaml file and returns the value at foo.bar.
  • ref+sops://path/to/file?format=json#/foo/bar reads path/to/file as a json file and returns the value at foo.bar.


String-Interpolation / Template Functions

In the early days of this project, the original author has investigated if it was a good idea to introduce string interpolation like feature to vals:

foo: xx${{ref "vals+vault://" }}
  baz: yy${{ref "vals+vault://" }}

But the idea had abandoned due to that it seemed to drive the momentum to vals being a full-fledged YAML templating engine. What if some users started wanting to use vals for transforming values with functions? That's not the business of vals.

Instead, use vals solely for composing sets of values that are then input to another templating engine or data manipulation language like Jsonnet and CUE.


Merging YAMLs is out of the scope of vals. There're better alternatives like Jsonnet, Sprig, and CUE for the job.