
Repo with a template to launch mybinder in julia

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Binder Launch Template

Launch Binder NBViewer Github

Repo that works as a template to launch an instance of mybinder.org in julia.

When you first launch mybinder.org, or after each new commit, a new sysimage is created at mybinder.org, and that takes a long time (several minutes). Subsequent launches reuse the sysimage and are much quicker to spawn.

The idea here is to separate the setup files and the notebooks files into different branches, so you only need to commit to the setup branch occasionally, when adding or removing packages. Only in those cases a new sysimage needs to be created. If you commit to a different branch, there is no need to rebuild the sysimage.

Thus, if you want to add notebooks or other working stuff, do that in a different branch. Then you can launch notebooks by accessing the sysimage built for the setup branch but pulling the notebooks from a different branch. This is accomplished seamlessly with the help of nbgitpuller. The only think you need is to properly set up the link to do that. You can generated one from nbgitpuller link generator or edit an existing one.

For instance, in order to launch jupyter lab with notebooks/index.ipynb notebook in this branch, using the setup in branch mybinderenv, one needs the link


With this link, you can build an SVG badge in shields.io, like the one on the top of this page.