- 1
#85 opened by trirahmat17 - 1
#84 opened by langaliamayank - 2
Where can i access the Settings?
#82 opened by klynegame - 1
Larger bodies of text cause huge hits to accuracy and processing speed
#79 opened by Terry-Kusunoki-Martin - 1
Apache licence ???
#83 opened by Mainvooid - 0
OCR Rectangular
#81 opened by SiddigHope - 1
Unable to detect other language
#80 opened by Ajay-Sunnyhith - 3
Sinhala Language Detection
#77 opened by ArunaMahaGamage - 2
App Based on this Library?
#78 opened by rayliverified - 1
real time ocr
#76 opened by ourwebtunisia - 2
How to add hindi data set manually
#65 opened by abirbandy - 1
Update dependencies
#75 opened by foaadnami - 1
Changing translation to English
#74 opened by varunagrwl96 - 1
- 2
- 2
- 1
How to resize corners
#70 opened by nhattv18 - 1
- 3
Gradle build fails
#68 opened by pocha - 1
what language package should i download
#67 opened by 281522134 - 2
download .gz
#66 opened by 281522134 - 3
Is possible if I use two traineddata
#39 opened by pauljie018 - 1
take pic in portrait state
#64 opened by omiderfanmanesh - 1
- 1
#63 opened by rayzeng0221 - 3
How to set up overtime
#61 opened by UC10D - 1
Disable dictionary
#60 opened by bkraszewski - 0
chinese language
#59 opened by maxiaoyi - 3
Error:Execution failed for task ':OCRTest:transformNative_libsWithStripDebugSymbolForDebug'. > java.lang.NullPointerException (no error message)
#58 opened by twlk-jzy - 9
Can not download tessdata
#55 opened by longnguyencmg - 3
When running
#57 opened by kevinmel2000 - 1
my issue
#56 opened - 1
Portrait orientation
#54 opened by aneeshATgithub - 0
Server can not use
#53 opened by lipangit - 1
Couldn't load from loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[dexPath=/data/app/,libraryPath=/data/app-lib/]
#52 opened by kayasthasayam - 2
Detection of shape boundary dynamically like ( (business card) Rectangle , square and Circle) from the camera?
#50 opened by mahmooddagga - 1
is there algorithm or process to Isolate the text from the background to make better performance
#51 opened by mahmooddagga - 1
Question about the image taken
#49 opened by gsiqueira - 1
- 7
- 1
References to old Tesseract URL
#46 opened by binaryrockstar - 1
Retrieve image in viewfinder rectangle
#44 opened by agnamc9 - 2
Where to write the code for opening new activity when we get result after ocr
#45 opened by manpreetsinghsodhi - 1
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader exception
#43 opened by manpreetsinghsodhi - 3
Cannot download
#41 opened by zouzhenglu - 1
How to set up on Eclipse
#42 opened by JonZarate - 3
F-droid release crashes immediately
#40 opened by cvzi - 1
Start CaptureActivity from external app
#38 opened by jnmronquillo - 2
fails to run
#37 opened by charlesay - 1
Android New Camera2 API
#36 opened by WesleyChung