Initializing TessBaseAPI crashes app
Terry-Kusunoki-Martin opened this issue · 2 comments
Summary: I imported tess-two as a module for my project. However, the following block of code, specifically the final line, causes the app to crash.
TessBaseAPI base_api = new TessBaseAPI();
String DATA_PATH = "/storage/emulated/0/Download/eng.traineddata";
String lang = "eng";
base_api.init(DATA_PATH, lang);
Tess-two version: 9.0.0
Android version: 8.1
Phone/device model: ONEPLUS A3000
Link to training data used:
I'm not sure if it is the same as Issue #48, as I do not get an error message. The application merely crashes with the addition of this line. Do I need to create a folder in my phone's storage titled "tessdata"?
Yes, and you also need to handle Runtime Permissions if your targetSdkVersion
is 23+.
@Terry-Kusunoki-Martin I get terminated the same no log error. I tried to create sub folder and check to make sure it exists in the externaldirectory. I also granted permission of the app. Everything is ready but that's it. How did you solve it eventually ?