- 2
AndroidX support
#269 opened by emartynov - 2
Crash on Android L
#268 opened by emartynov - 13
WriteFile.writeBytes altering the source image endiannes and producing artefacts
#228 opened by ratcashdev - 4
read Jpeg and PNG produce wrong alpha in 32bpp pix
#264 opened by alexcohn - 1
Native crush when 'vert'.tessdata is used
#263 opened by air-hedgehog - 2
Initializing TessBaseAPI crashes app
#246 opened by Terry-Kusunoki-Martin - 1
- 2
Decoding is slow when multiple languages are used
#261 opened by DorisGM - 14
Special requirements for Hindi and Arabic OCR
#239 opened by HarshitD - 2
Getting different results when using tesseract on mobile vs on PC using Python.
#260 opened by SoniKarsh - 2
Illegible words recognition in Persian lang
#259 opened by ImanX - 2
- 0
Can't lanch
#257 opened by Shifa-VK - 1
Tess4 initialize crash
#255 opened by irann93 - 1
tess4 on android studio
#254 opened by irann93 - 2
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: no "I" field "mNativeData" in class "Lcom/googlecode/tesseract/android/TessBaseAPI;" or its superclasses
#252 opened by NirmalPrajapat - 5
- 2
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: no "I" field "mNativeData" in class "Lcom/googlecode/tesseract/android/TessBaseAPI;" or its superclasses
#251 opened by NirmalPrajapat - 2
Arabic trained-data produce 20% accuracy
#250 opened by ibrahimAlii - 4
import tess two error
#249 opened by vitiennam - 1
How to build tess-two without JNI?
#247 opened by xtttttttttx - 1
error in Android 7.0
#248 opened by jamlu614 - 9
base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, /vendor/lib64, /system/lib64]]] couldn't find ""
#225 opened by amarpulli1994 - 4
OCR number
#245 opened by polaris0227 - 6
compile binary only
#244 opened by TonyStark - 2
Skip tesseract's default image preprocessing (Otsu)
#243 opened by SivaramSS - 1
How to add OPTITypewriter-Special font
#242 opened by mbsysde99 - 0
Improve developer support for Hindi/Arabic
#240 opened by rmtheis - 0
- 3
about white file
#223 opened by candrwow - 7
No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/app-lib/****/ 0x43738aa0, skipping init
#237 opened by zhangjiatw - 1
- 1
- 1
Could not initialize Tesseract API with language=ind!
#235 opened by anta40 - 1
run nativeInitOem() ;return false;why?
#234 opened by zj-captain - 1
Text is not getting properly
#232 opened by mavyasoni786 - 5
- 1
Build failure with Android Studio 3 and Gradle 4.3.1
#229 opened by halkar - 2
- 0
How can recognize half-split page using Tesstwo?
#224 opened by willowTank - 2
- 2
OCR processing Accuracy issue
#222 opened by kirantpatil - 4
- 1
- 3
signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR) _ZN9tesseract9AmbigSpec19compare_ambig_specsEPKvS2_
#212 opened by SidhanshuUdawat - 1
- 1
Crash with error: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x0 in tid 32614
#214 opened by michaelDnguyen - 1
- 1
change tesseract API
#211 opened by wide-mobile - 1
Need modify quality image before OCR process ?
#210 opened by michaelDnguyen