
Docker image containing the Pebble watch development SDK.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links

What is Pebble?

Pebble Smartwatch is a customizable watch that conveniently and subtly delivers the information that you want directly to your wrist. Pebble connects to your iOS or Android smartphone via Bluetooth and has a rechargeable battery that lasts up to 7 days per charge.

What's in this image?

The Pebble Development SDK installed and ready to use.


How to use this image

docker pull andredumas/pebble-dev

Standard usage, assuming you are running from the root of your project, is to use it to execute pebble commands:

docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/pebble andredumas/pebble-dev <pebble command arguments>

Or drop the pebble shell script in the root of your project or PATH.

For development I was using the Makefile below configured with Eclipse Luna C/C++.

	./pebble build

install:        all
	./pebble install --pebble_id `cat $(HOME)/.pebble-btid`
	./pebble logs

	./pebble clean

The following run profiles were also used:

./pebble install --phone


./pebble logs --phone


When running as pebble executable with a mounted volume, any files created by the container will be on the host owned as root.


docker build -t andredumas/pebble-dev:$VERSION .


Verifies that the image is working correctly by creating and building a new Pebble test project:

# Second argument is the image name
./verify-image.sh andredumas/pebble-dev:$VERSION


By using this image you accept the Pebble Terms of Use and the Pebble Developer License.