
A Home Assistant integration that fetches the current temperature and humidity from TEMPer and TEMPerHUM USB devices

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Home Assistant TEMPerHUM USB

This Home Assistant integration temperhum sensor platform allows you to get the current temperature and humidity from TEMPer and TEMPerHUM USB devices.


HACS (recommended)


  1. Add this repos URL to the Custom repositories list from the hamburger menu and choose Integration.
  2. Search for TEMPerHUM via the HACS UI and click the Download button (bottom left)

HACS is a third party community store and is not included in Home Assistant out of the box and allows you to easily install, update and remove custom components. If you've not already installed HACS in Home Assistant view their installation process.


Download the latest temperhum.zip from the releases page and extract the contents into your Home Assistants config/custom_components/temperhum folder.


To use your TEMPer and/or TEMPerHUM USB sensor in your installation, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: temperhum

Optional configuration:

# Example of a configuration.yaml with optional entries added
  - platform: temperhum
    # description: The name to use when displaying this switch.
    # required: false
    # type: string
    # default: ID of the device
    # description: The offset to fix reported vales.
    # required: false
    # type: integer
    # default: 0
    # description: The scale for the sensor.
    # required: false
    # type: integer
    # default: 1

After restarting Home Assistant with the new configuration the sensors can be found in the auto generated dashboard or if you've customised it, the sensors can be added by editing your dashboard, adding a new card by entity and searching for TEMPer.

Since some of these sensors consistently show higher temperatures the scale and offset values can be used to fine-tune your sensor. The calculation follows the formula scale * sensor value + offset.

The TEMPer sensors can only be accessed as root by default. To fix the USB permissions on your system create the file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-tempsensor.rules and add the following line to it:

SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ACTION=="add", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0c45", ATTRS{idProduct}=="7401", MODE="666"

After that re-plug the device and restart Home Assistant.

Note: this custom component is based on home-assistant/core#85082.